News & Events
Opening Service
The opening service for the LBS 2022-2023 academic year will take place on Monday, August 29 at 7:00 pm. Pastor Jay Price will be the guest speaker for the service. If you are in the Fergus Falls area, you are cordially invited to be a part of this event, which will...
Gender Identity & Christian Faith
Gender identity and LGBTQIA+ issues have become some of the most controversial and divisive topics in our society today. How do we think and act biblically and pastorally about these issues? Our main presenter will be Dr. Julia Sadusky who operates Lux Counseling and Consulting in Littleton, CO.
2022 Commencement Service
Friday, April 29, 2022Bethel Lutheran Church, Fergus Falls, MN The 2022 Lutheran Brethren Seminary Commencement Service will take place on April 29 at 6:30 PM at Bethel Lutheran Church in Fergus Falls, MN. A reception will follow the service. The public is invited....
The Chad Vision Trip
In January, LBS students had a chance to travel with Lutheran Brethren International Mission Director Dan Venberg to visit Chad, experiencing and learning about the ministry that is happening through the work of CLB missionaries. Below are some photos of the trip by...
Engaging the People of Your World
Bringing the Gospel to Your Neighbor 2020 LBS J-Term — Featuring Dr. Walt Mueller January 20-22What does it look like to make disciples of all nations? At this year’s LBS J-Term, we will consider our calling as the church and as the CLB to “make disciples of all...
The Sermon in a Secular Age
As the context of the American church becomes increasingly secularized so too will the audience engaged in your preaching and teaching. More and more those entering your doors and listening online are unfamiliar with the Gospel and skeptical of, if not hostile to, its implications. What does it mean that we now live in a secular age?
My Church, Your Church, God’s Church
In this 2019’s J-Term, we will equip our pastors and leaders to bridge this gap in order that they might move their churches from a MY CHURCH perspective (inward- and maintenance-focused) to an OUR CHURCH perspective (outward- and mission-minded).
Contemporary Trends in Preaching
2018’s A. A. Pedersen Lectureship in Preaching will provide an examination of contemporary trends in homiletics, offering examples of what those trends might look like in preaching.
Transformational Church
We want our churches to effectively participate in God’s mission and to see our lives and others transformed by the gospel. How are we doing? How do we find out how we are doing? The theme for our 2018 J-Term is “Transformational Church: God’s Church in God’s Mission.
Preaching Job and its Reformational Themes
2017’s A. A. Pedersen Lectureship features Rev. Dr. R. Reed Lessing. Dr. Lessing is Senior Pastor at St. Michael Lutheran Church, Fort Wayne, Indiana and served as professor of exegetical theology and director of the graduate school at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.