Faculty & Staff
Full-time Faculty
Dr. Daniel Berge
Professor of New Testament, 2017-present
Email: dberge@lbs.edu Phone: 218-739-3375
Education: BA, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN; MDiv, Lutheran Brethren Seminary, Fergus Falls, MN; PhD, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO.
Ministry: 2000-2001, Youth Pastor, Peace Lutheran Church, Calgary AB, CA; 2014- 2017, Pastor, Immanuel Lutheran Church, Eugene, OR; 2020-present, Pastor, Living Faith Church, Fergus Falls, MN.
Dr. Joel Christenson
Professor of Mission and Evangelism, 2022-present
Email: jchristenson@lbs.edu Phone: 218-739-3375
Education: AA, Fergus Falls Community College, Fergus Falls, MN; BA, Hamline University, St. Paul, MN; MDiv, Lutheran Brethren Seminary, Fergus Falls, MN; MA, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI; PhD, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI; Additional Studies: Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, Illinois.
Ministry: 1984-1985, 1988, Resident Counselor, Lutheran Social Services of Minnesota; 1986-1987, Missionary Intern, Church of the Lutheran Brethren, Yangmei, Taiwan; 1989-1994, English Pastor, Chinese Christian Church of Milwaukee, WI; 1993-1997, Manager, Friendship International Student House, Milwaukee, WI; 1998-2022, Missionary, Church of the Lutheran Brethren, East Asia; 2008-2018, Executive Director, Friends of China Foundation, East Asia.
Publications: “Surprised by Culture: C. S. Lewis and the Redeeming of Popular Culture,” Mission Round Table 16.3 (2021): 4-10. Wild Horses Could Not Drag It Out of Me, one-act play performed at Lotus Hotel Theatre, Chiang Mai, Thailand, on July 4th, 2015. “Koinonia: The DNA of Gospel Partnership,” Mission Round Table 10.1 (2015): 12-15. Faith Journeys, Editor, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2013. What Do Ya Give to Someone Who Already has Everything? one-act play performed at Chinese Christian Church of Milwaukee, Brown Deer, WI, on June 25th, 1995. Born on the Wrong Side of the Tracks, one-act play performed at Trinity Community Church, Brown Deer, WI, on February 9th, 1991.
Rev. Clint Knutson
Professor of Systematic Theology, 2022-present
Email: cknutson@lbs.edu
Phone: 218-739-3375
Education: BA, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK; MDiv, Lutheran Brethren Seminary, Fergus Falls, MN.
Ministry: 2015-2022, Pastor, Christ Alone LB Church and Saron Lutheran Church, Birch Hills and Hagen SK, CA.
Part-time Faculty
Dr. Nate Larsen
Professor of Practical Theology
Email: nlarsen@lbs.edu
Education: Courses from Lutheran Bible College, Fergus Falls, MN; AA, M-State, Fergus Falls, MN; BA, Moorhead State University, Moorhead MN; MS, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND; PhD, Capella University, Minneapolis, MN.
Employment: Family Therapist, Center For Parents and Children, Moorhead, MN, 1982-1986; Minnesota Licensed Psychologist, 1985-present, Lakeland Mental Health Center, Fergus Falls, MN, 1986-present; Adjunct psychology instructor, M-State Fergus Falls, MN, 1997-present; NDSCS, Wahpeton, ND 2006-2008; University of Mary, Fargo, ND, 2014.
Publications: Family Interactive Rating Scale, A Therapy Tool For Working With Families; Trafford Publishing Couple’s Interactive Rating Scale in Couples Therapy; Annuals of Psychotherapy and Integrative Health. The Relationship Decision-Making Box: A Questionnaire for Exploring the Decision-Making Process; The Family Journal, Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families (co-authored with Malcom Gray PhD and Daniel Eckstein PhD).
Memberships: Past member of the American Association of Christian Counselors and past Fellow of the American Psychotherapy Association.
Dr. Brad Pribbenow
Professor of Old Testament, Dean, CAO, 2011-present
Email: bpribbenow@lbs.edu Phone: 218-739-3375
Education: BME, University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire, WI; MDiv, Lutheran Brethren Seminary, Fergus Falls, MN; PhD, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO.
Ministry: 2007-2008, Teacher, Hillcrest Lutheran Academy, Fergus Falls, MN; 2008- 2010, Pastor, Bethel Lutheran Church, Fergus Falls, MN. 2015-present, Music Director, Bethel Lutheran Church, Battle Lake, MN
Publications: Prayerbook of Christ: Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Christological Interpretation of the Psalms. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books/Fortress Academic, 2018.
Dr. Troy Tysdal
CEO, President, Professor of Practical Theology, 2023-present
Email: ttysdal@lbs.edu Phone: 218-739-3375
Education: AAS, Alexandria Technical College, Alexandria, MN; BAR, Faith International University, Tacoma, WA; MDiv, Lutheran Brethren Seminary, Fergus Falls, MN; DMin, Liberty University, Lynchburg, VA.
Ministry: 2008-2012, Associate Pastor, Stavanger Lutheran Church, Fergus Falls, MN; 2010-2014, Church Resource Coordinator, Church of the Lutheran Brethren, Fergus Falls, MN; 2014-2023, Editor in Chief of Faith & Fellowship Magazine, Church of the Lutheran Brethren, Fergus Falls, MN; 2015-2023, Director of Communications and Prayer, Church of the Lutheran Brethren, Fergus Falls, MN; 2017- 2018, President, Messiah Lutheran Church, Underwood, MN; 2018-2022, Pastor, Chippewa Lutheran Church, Brandon, MN
Publications: Footsteps in the Promise, Faith & Fellowship Publishing.
Adjunct Faculty
Dr. Eugene Boe
Emeritus Dean and Research Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology
Education: BS, Iowa State University, Ames, IA; MDiv, Lutheran Brethren Seminary, Fergus Falls, MN; STM, Concordia Seminary, Ft. Wayne, IN; PhD in Theology, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO; Additional studies: Christian Counseling & Education Foundation, Laverock, PA; University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway; Goethe Institute, Prien, Germany; Jerusalem University College, Jerusalem, Israel.
Ministry: 1969-71, Student Pastor, Immanuel Lutheran Brethren Church, Jewell, IA; 1971-72, Pastor to Youth, 59th Street Lutheran Church, Brooklyn, NY; 1972- 74, Student Pastor, Inspiration Lutheran Brethren Church, Wahpeton, ND; 1974-77, Bethel Lutheran Brethren Church, Huntington Station, NY; 1978-83, Hope Lutheran Brethren Church, Appleton, WI; 1994-present, Trinity Lutheran Church, Wendell, MN. 1983-2024, Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology, Lutheran Brethren Seminary, Fergus Falls, MN; 1998-2018, Dean, Lutheran Brethren Seminary, Fergus Falls, MN.
Dr. Tony Rogness
Professor of Practical Theology
Education: AA, Lutheran Brethren Bible College, Fergus Falls, MN; BA, Crown College, St. Bonifacius, MN; MA, South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD; EdD, Educational Administration, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, SD.
Ministry: 1998-2011, Instructor of Education and Counseling, South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD; 2011-2020, Operations Director, Inspiration Point Christian Camp & Retreat Center, Clitherall, MN; 2020-2024, Campus Life Pastor, Triumph LBC West Campus, West Fargo, ND; 2024-present, Humanities Instructor, Hillcrest Lutheran Academy, Fergus Falls, MN.
Dr. David Veum
Emeritus President and Professor of Practical Theology
Education: BA, Western Washington State College; MDiv, Lutheran Brethren Seminary; DMin, Bethel Theological Seminary, St. Paul, MN.
Ministry: 1971, Pastor, Triumph Lutheran Brethren Church, Great Falls, MT; 1971- 73, Pastor, Emmanuel Lutheran Brethren Church, Edmonton, AB, Canada; 1977-78, Pastor, Gethsemane Lutheran Brethren Church, Rochester, MN; 1983-87, Pastor, Bethesda Lutheran Church, Eau Claire, WI; 1990-2005, Senior Pastor, Bethel Lutheran Church, Fergus Falls, MN; 2005-2023, Professor of Practical Theology, Lutheran Brethren Seminary, Fergus Falls, MN; 2006-2023, President, Lutheran Brethren Seminary, Fergus Falls, MN.
Dr. Margareth Alexandersen
Director of Institutional Effectiveness and Instruction Design, 2011-present
Email: malexandersen@lbs.edu Phone: 218-739-3375
Education: BS in Elementary Education, Trenton State College, Ewing, NJ; MAR, Lutheran Brethren Seminary, Fergus Falls, MN; MS in ED, Walden University, Minneapolis, MN; EdD, Pensacola Christian College, Pensacola, FL.
Experience: Teacher, Timothy Christian School, Piscataway, NJ; Teacher, Hillcrest Lutheran Academy, Fergus Falls, MN; Pre-School Superintendent and Elementary School Principal, Community Baptist Academy, Somerset, NJ; Basic Skills Teacher, PleasanTech Academy Charter School, Pleasantville, NJ; Supervisor of Curriculum & Basic Skills, PleasanTech Academy Charter School, Pleasantville, NJ; Supervisor of Curriculum, Technology Coordinator, Tabernacle Township School District, Tabernacle NJ.
Brent Andrews
Librarian/Instructional Technology Specialist, 2014-present
Email: bandrews@lbs.edu Phone: 218-739-3375
Education: BA Music, Luther College, Decorah, IA; MA Library Science, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA; MDiv, Lutheran Brethren Seminary.
Experience: 1995-1996 Head of Information & Reference Services, Viterbo University – Todd Wehr Memorial Library, La Crosse, WI; 1996-1998 High School Library Media Specialist/Gifted & Talented Coordinator, Valders Area School District, Valders, WI; 1998-2000 High School Library Media Specialist, School District of Jefferson, Jefferson, WI; 2000-2002 Middle School Teacher/Elementary Music Teacher, Faith Community Christian School, Fort Atkinson, WI; 2002- 2009 District Media Specialist/Elementary & Middle School Technology Teacher, Hilbert School District, Hilbert, WI; 2009-2014 Appraisal Data Specialist, Forensic Appraisal Group, Neenah, WI.
Dr. Allan Bjerkaas
Director of Distance Education, 2013-present
Email: abjerkaas@lbs.edu Phone: 218-739-3375
Education: BS Physics and Math, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND; MS Physics, University of Illinois, Urbana- Champaign, IL; PhD, Physics University of Illinois, Urbana – Champaign, IL.
Experience: 1973-2005 Technical Staff, John Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Baltimore, MD; 2001-2010, Associate Dean for Engineering for Professionals programs, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland.
Kathleen Doering
Administrative Assistant to the Dean, 2019-present
Email: kdoering@lbs.edu Phone: 218-739-3375
Education: BS in English Education with a minor in music.
Experience: 1991-1994 teacher, Junior High English, Fillmore Central, Preston, MN; 1994-2018 teacher and junior high administrator, Hillcrest Lutheran Academy, Fergus Falls, MN; 2018-2019 librarian, Hillcrest Lutheran Academy, Fergus Falls, MN.
Christine Lawson
Administrative Assistant to the President, 2025-present
Email: clawson@lbs.edu Phone: 218-739-3375
Education: BS, Visual Art Education, Minnesota State University – Moorhead, MN.
Rev. Michael Natale
Director of Student Life and Associate for Recruitment, 2024-present
Email: mnatale@lbs.edu Phone: 218-739-3375
Education: BMA in vocal performance and pedagogical studies, Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA; MDiv, Lutheran Brethren Seminary, Fergus Falls, MN
Ministry: 2012-2014 Pastor, Messiah Lutheran Church Underwood, MN; 2014-2024, Pastor, Faith Chapel: A Church of the Lutheran Brethren Cranston, RI; 2024-Present Pastor, Messiah Lutheran Church Underwood, MN