Degree Options
Master of Divinity Degree
The Master of Divinity Degree4 (MDiv) is a graduate degree in theology which prepares men to serve in an ordained role within the Church of the Lutheran Brethren, or in other church bodies and mission organizations. This degree assumes a Bachelor of Arts or Science Degree. The Master of Divinity Degree is granted to seminary students upon the completion of the following academic requirements and upon the approval of the Dean of the Seminary and the Office of the Registrar.
- The baccalaureate degree earned prior to registration in Seminary.
- 90 credits in Seminary with a grade point average of not less than 2.0 (2.0 = C grade), meeting all the departmental course requirements.
Master of Theological Studies Degree
The Master of Theological Studies (MTS) is a graduate degree designed for men and women pursuing a vibrant and effective lay ministry in the church. Candidates could include those who teach and lead in ministries of spiritual care, worship, youth, or adults. This degree may also serve those who desire to continue toward more education. A bachelor’s degree is required for entrance into the MTS program. The Master of Theological Studies Degree is granted to seminary students upon the completion of the academic requirements (See link to course listings) and upon the approval of the Dean of the Seminary and the Office of the Registrar.
Diploma in Christian Ministry
The Diploma in Christian Ministry (DCM) is a non-degree program of study in theology which prepares men to serve in an ordained role within the Church of the Lutheran Brethren or in other church bodies and mission organizations. It is designed for students who have completed at least 32 general education credits but do not have a bachelor’s degree. The student will follow the same course of study as prescribed for the Master of Divinity degree. The DCM is granted to seminary students upon the completion of the academic requirements (See link to course listings) and upon the approval of the Dean of the Seminary and the Office of the Registrar.
Should a graduate of the LBS Diploma in Christian Ministry ever subsequently complete an accredited college bachelor’s degree, the Diploma may be exchanged for either an MTS or MDiv degree, upon the recommendation of the Dean of the Seminary and the Office of the Registrar, provided that: 1.) Diploma credits have not been used in another degree program; and 2.) All of the academic requirements stipulated in the current LBS catalog for those degrees are satisfied.
Certificate of Theological Studies
Lay ministry callings in the ministry and mission of the church rely on strong leadership, biblical knowledge, and practical ministry skills.
The Certificate of Theological Studies (CTS) is designed for men and women sensing a call to pursue theological education in order to serve more effectively as laypersons. The CTS is a non-degree program that offers the student an opportunity to experience the equivalent of one year in seminary in order to develop a deeper understanding of his/her faith and to be equipped to serve God’s leading in his/her life for future ministry.
Candidates might include those preparing for specific local or overseas cross-cultural mission assignments; those involved with children’s, youth, or adult ministries; those serving (or preparing to serve) as a licensed lay pastor; or young adults who wish to attain theological and biblical grounding for future study or vocation. In addition to the required core courses, the CTS offers many choices in biblical and theological electives with emphases in Bible and Theology, Mission, and Lay Ministry. Courses may be taken on-campus or from a distance. If full-time study is possible, a student may complete a CTS program in one year.
As with all other programs at LBS, CTS courses are taught at the graduate level. If a student should later be admitted to an LBS degree or diploma program, all of the credits earned in the CTS may be applied.