
In January, LBS students had a chance to travel with Lutheran Brethren International Mission Director Dan Venberg to visit Chad, experiencing and learning about the ministry that is happening through the work of CLB missionaries. Below are some photos of the trip by Dan Venberg.

Dan writes, “I had the privilege to lead a team of students and professors from LBS seminary to visit our mission field there. Truly a blessing. Great time of fellowship, learning, laughing, engaging with Muslims and Christian brothers and sisters. God is moving among the nations, and we are privileged to accompany him.”

Thank you for your continued prayers for each of our students who are dedicating their lives to God’s calling.

The team getting ready to leave for the airport.
The team with Missionaries Paul and Teresa S., learning and experiencing their teaching ministry.
The team witnessing God’s work through the private school led by Chadian missionary partners and Chadian Christian teachers.
The team sitting with men from a village that received a Living Waters well.
The team shared about their trip during a weekly chapel, attended by CLB staff, leadership, and others.